Telemedicine is a health care method involving phone, instant messaging, or video interaction. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic that restricted movements made it more difficult for patients to visit hospitals; instead, they had to settle for remote care. This resulted in a surge in the need for telemedicine in the health sector.
One major advantage of telemedicine is that it is comfortable and convenient for the patient and the healthcare practitioner. Patients no longer have to make long trips to the hospital as they can access care simply with a button.
Similarly, telemedicine is more affordable than regular healthcare. Aside from the cost of commuting to the hospital, healthcare professionals typically charge less with telemedicine as opposed to in-person visits.
Also, telemedicine has a better chance of reaching the unreached. People in rural areas who do not have the luxury of a primary health center or find it difficult to commute to more urban locations usually prefer to adopt telemedicine in the comfort of their homes.