Dr. Peter “Pete” Killcommons is an accomplished medical expert and philanthropist who draws upon more than three decades of professional experience. In 1992, he founded Medweb, a medical software and device company that offers a wide range of medical imaging, teleradiology, and telemedicine services. An alumnus of New York Medical College, Dr. Peter Killcommons belongs to the American Medical Association.
The American Medical Association (AMA) is the largest professional association that brings together physicians to advance the practice of medicine and boost public health standards. To achieve its mandate, AMA has promoted health equity through the AMA Center for Health Equity that ensures equity and justice prevails across the entire AMA fraternity. Its three-year strategic roadmap to promote equity includes aspects such as emphasizing the need for racial and social justice within the AMA culture, systems, policies, and practices. The goal was to build AMA’s capacity to set up and implement anti-racism equity strategies, as well as assess organizational change over time.
Additionally, the roadmap encourages building alliances and closely collaborating with marginalized and minority physicians, as well as other stakeholders to adopt a common approach for how to collectively advocate for health equity and justice. Lastly, the roadmap advocates for the need to embrace health equity and racial justice in AMA’s health care innovation efforts. Through the program, historically minority and marginalized health care innovators and investors get an opportunity to promote their ideas.